The crazed dances!

Dance was a kind of escape that people used to get away from the war, and express their emotions deeply.Jazz was very common for the youth,it was fun and energetic to dance to.Dancing was a huge debate for dancers people would usually call male dancers "different"which would spark fights in clubs or family occasions,and the names they were called that spread nationally like "sheiks", Young men with keleles,racoon coats and bell bottom trousers. Ballrooms across the U.S sponsored dance contest, where dancers invented, tried, and competed with new moves. Proffessionals began to honer their skills in tap dancing and other dances of the era throughout the Vaudeville circut across the United States. The most popular of the dances were the fox-trot, waltz,tango, and the charleston.  Developed in African-American communities in the United States, the Charleston became a popular dance craze in the wider international community during the 1920's.